I feel like in the last six months or so, my eyes have been opened for the first time. I have never been so aware of the beauty of the world, and the people around me. I have never really thought much about the great things that happen to me everyday. Lately I have realized that the ordinary things, are some of the most beautiful things. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband,and the example he is to me everyday. I am thankful that I am able to stay home with our great kids and watch and help them grow. Having them in our home is like being able to see right into Heaven. I have said before that some people said that they were sorry when Israel was born. Some people might look at a child with special needs as a hardship. It is different than having a baby that doesn't need the extra attention. It might even be harder. However, every second of hardship is outweighed by an hour of pleasure. I am so thankful we were given the opportunity to raise him. I am thankful for my family and Jared's family, and the unconditional supportive love they give us. I am thankful that my sons have a grandpa on both sides. and the amazing men they both are. (Their grandmas are pretty amazing too.) Now for the surprise. I was talking to a friend the other day about my MS, and I realized that I was thankful for it. It is a blessing in disguise. I think it is the reason that I am becoming aware of all my blessings. I never know when I won't feel good. I never know if the next day will bring a relapse with new symptoms, or what will be happening, and so I see the world for the joy it holds now. That has been an amazing change in my life. I am so thankful for the sun that shines, the chance that I have to wipe a dirty face, change a diaper, or deal with a temper tantrum. It is crazy to think that being able to do those things means so much to me, but it is amazing how wonderful even the most mundane task can seem when you don't know what your tomorrow holds. Another blessing that has come from my MS is how many amazing people have been there for me. There are nurses that have spent much longer than would seem normal talking to me, and actually caring about me. One nurse told me she would pray for me while I was getting an MRI because I was so afraid (
claustrophobia). Another one worked for the whole time I was there to try to get my insurance figured out so I wouldn't have to do it myself or pay out of pocket. I am amazed by my niece and my mom and the willingness that they show, even with their busy lives to help me, and tend and love our kids. Sometimes in this crazy world and all the news I think it is easy to see the bad. Let me just tell you as someone who sees the world in a different light. The world is so beautiful, and it is full of beautiful people, who are being an example to me and I am thankful I get to stay here for a while and learn from them.