Sunday, August 22, 2010


  • Sometimes, I forget to let others know how thankful I am for the blessings I have been given. So, let me tell you why I can't help but feel thankful today. The kids and I were driving down our little road (which has become a little too busy) the other day. Riding off to the side, I noticed a man, not much older than myself, riding a recumbant bicycle. As he rode, he would have a violent twitch that would almost take him into where the main flow of traffic was. I stayed behind him at a distance for a quite a while, because I was afraid he was going to have a seizure. A flood of emotions came back to me as I watched him struggle to control his body. I can never forget the horrible feeling of trying to control my body, and having it overcome my efforts and give into the impending seizure. I don't know about how that man suffered, but I watched a small moment of his trials and it made me ache for him. Most of all though, it made me thankful. I am thankful that I was blessed with those around me who were willing to help me with so much love when I couldn't make it through by myself. I am thankful that I have had amazing medical care... that I get the medicine and medical attention I need. I am So Thankful for the power of the priesthood in my home and in my life and for the many blessings I received to help comfort, heal, and carry me through. Most of all, seeing that man fight made me remember how thankful I am to be seizure free for over a year. I am able to be a mother. Something I wanted since I was a child. I am am able to care for my sweet children and be here for my family without physical barriers, Something I could never fully express my thanks for. I have never failed to receive an answer to prayer... even if it is just the strength to make it through certain parts of my life. I am thankful we have Our Father to watch over us, and A Brother who was willing to suffer all of our pain. And... I am thankful to have been blessed with health, despite disease.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Panic Attack

Please. Don't let my kids know, but I am SCARED for them to go to school! We went to a meeting this week, where Israel's path for school was decided. HE' S 2!! He heads to school this January 4. This January. I might be freaking out. As a stay at home mom, most of my time... pretty much all of my time- is spent in the company of a crazy little two year old, and an inquizative four year old. I (up to this point) have chosen to keep Jensen at home and teach him myself. Now that Izzy is headed to school, we decided it's only right to send Jensen to school first. Now, I lose both of my kids to school this school year. Yikes.